Looking For Bulk Voice Calls Service Provider in India

Voice Calls Service India: We Provide Bulk Voice Calls Service in India. Instant Activation, Reliable Service to interact with target clients with voice messaging, voice SMS and Voice Broadcasting.

  • Trans, Promo & OTP Bulk SMS
  • We offer a secure HTTPs API
  • Get SenderID in 6 Alphabets
  • English & 21+ Languages See Pricing

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Best Voice Calls Service In India Since 2006


Bulk voice calls in India enables pre-recorded voice messages to be transmitted to several telephone numbers (mobile or landline) instantly with just a single click of the send button in a language familiar to the recipient. The Voice broadcast software enables this to take place and it has several benefits that individuals and corporations can implement for their own advantage.

Bulk voice calls for client surveys
Customer surveys are made possible and much simpler by the use of voice broadcasting & voice sms, which is very cost effective and ensures that the message reaches the recipients in time.

Stock alerts & voter registration
The automated voice calls can be used to send alerts to relevant parties and also in voter registrations.

Mobile marketing
Businesses can use bulk voice call service to market and promote their products and services to customers. Whether the company has released new products or not, they can create awareness of the same amongst people so they know that they exist and why it is suitable for them. The businesses just have to come up with the right message and record it. The promotional message can then be sent to thousand of recipients at once and they all receive it instantly.

Election campaigns in India
In India, the bulk messages are also used in political campaigns to reach a large mass of people instantly. Those who are vying for various posts in India use this technology to reach voters on a personal level since the platform enables for personalization of messages.

Reminders and Notifications
The messages can also be used to send reminders to particular individuals such as those under medication to remind them that they need to take their medicines at particular times. Just like reminders, notifications can also be sent through this platform when several people are supposed to be notified of certain important events.

Lead Generation and Announcements
Voice calls are also used in lead generations in the internet marketing where businesses seek to attract several potential customers to visit their sites. In case an important announcement needs to be made to a large number of people, this is the right platform for such.

Bulk Voice Calls for Fundraising
Individuals or companies that are seeking to raise funds for whatever cause, can use this platform to send voice messages to many people at ago urging them to help raise funds for the given cause.

Affordable Voice Campaigns
Campaigns are usually very expensive as those vying for various positions have to travel from one region to another, but with this platform, several people get the message without so much money being spent and thus very affordable.

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